Training Cost Assistance

Last Updated: November 06, 2023

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Is the training fee support from Kartu Prakerja provided in cash?
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No, the training fee support is provided in cashless form.

How many times is the assistance/benefit of Kartu Prakerja provided?
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The assistance/benefit of Kartu Prakerja is granted on a one-time basis as each individual is eligible to participate in Kartu Prakerja only once throughout their lifetime.

How much is the training fee that I will receive?
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If you qualify as a Kartu Prakerja beneficiary, you will receive fee amounting to Rp3,500,000 (three million five hundred thousand Indonesian Rupiah).

How can I check the amount of the training balance provided to me by Kartu Prakerja?
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You can check the training balance on your account dashboard. Make sure to regularly check it in your account!

Can my Kartu Prakerja training balance be used by someone else?
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No, the training balance can only be used by you as the beneficiary of Program Kartu Prakerja. It cannot be transferred to someone else.

Does the training balance have an expiration date?
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Upon being notified as a beneficiary of Kartu Prakerja, you have 15 (fifteen) calendar days to purchase your first training. Once you have completed the first training and provided a rating and review, you can continue using the remaining balance to enroll in additional training programs within the subsequent 15 (fifteen) calendar days. If you fail to purchase any further training within this timeframe, the remaining balance will be refunded to the State Treasury.

Can the remaining training balance be withdrawn as cash?
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No, it is not possible. Therefore, make the most of your training assistance balance by purchasing as many training programs as you can!

Can I request an increase in the training aid balance?
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The Project Management Office is unable to increase the approved balance. However, they have the authority to temporarily or permanently cancel the balance if there are indications of fraud or violations of the program's rules and Terms and Conditions.

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